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PureTech Applications

Plug-in play automated outdoor wide-area and perimeter protection can be utilized in a number of different applications. PureActiv is among the highest in probability of detection and lowest in nuisance alarm rates, providing a superior level of security for your facility, infrastructure, and border.


Detect, Track, Classify, and Deter with one system. Your safety is our priority.

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Counter Drone

PureActiv autonomously detects, classifies, and tracks aerial threats, delivering increased situational awareness. 

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False Alarm Elimination

PureTech’s patented DL Auto-Verify (PurifAI) provides relief to users experiencing excessive nuisance alarms.

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This specialized perimeter intrusion detection capability ensures your site is protected from those violating security policy, and potentially intending harm to critical assets and personnel. 


“I have relied heavily on PureActiv and thrived off its benefits. PureActiv is a gamechanger, no doubt about it”.


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